Our mission is simple
create the finest products on the planet.
We design, create, and deliver experiences that bring people joy by focusing on simplicity, usability, and details to create quality you can feel.
“Quality is not something you believe in, Quality is something you experience.”
Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
We are passionate about what we do because believe in it. You won't find any marketing hype here because after we are done pouring heart and soul into even the most mundane things, we don't need hype. We let our hard work and end results do the talking. We are driven by a relentless desire to be the best, because if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
We believe in old fashioned "know it when you see it" quality. When you hold an object of quality in your hands, there is no question. This obsession permeates everything we do, and it is a constant and ever-changing pursuit. Quality begins with our people, is driven by continuous improvement, and ends with the finest tools from around the world. Many improvements we make you'll never notice, but we'll never rest.
It's no secret we live in an age of disposability, "who cares if it breaks? I'll just buy a new one." That doesn't fly around here because it's counter to my core values. Everything that comes out of this shop is made to last. We have a lot of new machines, but some of our best ones are older than I am. I just bought two machines that were made in the 1940s. We're getting them cleaned up and will put them back to work because they were made the old-fashioned way. That’s how we do.
The basis for reliability is simplicity and refinement. I don't release new products every 5 minutes. I don't chase trends...though we often set them. I don't add features just because we can. I strip away everything that is not needed to achieve the goal. The other big lever in achieving reliability is refinement: making the same design better again and again...like the Porshce 911. If you want the latest buzz worthy trend look somewhere else. If you want the finest examples of what people can design and manufacture, welcome home.
Respect is earned by conducting oneself honestly and with decency. You'll note that I have a "don't be a jerk" clause in my warranty policy. I'm joking, but not really. We build relationships with our customers, not transactions. Respect is earned by being respectful and respectable. That's how it works in the shop, that's how it works in life, that’s the standard we live by. We are a small company made up of good people just like you. Some people forget this. Please don't forget :)
We do our level best to deliver perfection in product and service, and also to represent our products accurately. Sometimes we make mistakes, honest ones. We learn from them, communicate clearly, and move forward. We don’t hide behind PR; we walk the walk. Transparency is hard. Sometimes it’s embarrassing. Sometimes it’s frustrating to see other people use our work as a shortcut. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like the right choice; but we believe in a world where it’s okay to share, help others, and own up to our shortcomings.

Prometheus started as a one-man show back in 2011. After 5 years of growth, I was overwhelmed and barely keeping up with my "must do" list and totally failing at my "needs to do" and "would like to do" lists. I hired my first two full time employees in 2017 (Joy and Gilbert) and we've continued to add talent over time. We managed to weather the pandemic and our small team of hard working individuals continues to strive for excellence.
We are only 8 people, but we'll put our products up against companies that are (literally) 100 times larger. How do we do that? The main thing that sets us apart from other companies is that everyone who works here actually uses the products we make...every day. I've visited many large flashlight manufacturers and noticed not a single employee had a flashlight in their pocket, not even the owner. Sure they have dozens of engineers, designers, sales staff, and millions of dollars in the R&D budget. But I don't trust any product made by someone who doesn't use it.
We genuinely care about what we do and how it's done. It's rarely smooth and never easy, but every day is an opportunity to learn and improve. We consider customers to be part of the team as well, so thanks for being part of it!

Jason Hui
Owner / Founder

Joy Hulsenberg
Offer Manager & Customer support

Gilbert Guerra
Head Machinist

Ben Hardy
Content marketing & Social media

Terry (TJ) Montfort
Customer Support

Brandon Taniguchi
Assembly Shipping

Ian YU
Flashlight builder & warranty

Creative Consultant

Owner / Founder
Jason Hui
Favorite product
Alpha classic
Flashlight, pocket knife, duct tape
Prior to launching Prometheus Lights, I spent 10 years in product development: designing everything from watches, to fly-fishing equipment, retail experiences, and machine tool accessories.
I got tired of carpal tunnel, stepped away from my desk, and started learning the trades. I've built animatronic sharks for a Hollywood special effects studio, custom hot rods, back country fire trucks, worked on the Automotive X Prize, contracted for Mythbusters, and worked at the world’s first high-performance electric motorcycle startup (Mission Motors).
After spending 15 years crafting successful solutions for other people, I decided to set out on my own and founded Prometheus Lights in 2011. Since then, I've been putting my eclectic background to work crafting essential designs built for life. “The world is full of stuff. As a consumer, I want to buy things that I know someone has cared about and that I know will last. As a designer, maker, and strategist, I strive to create products that reflect how I see the world, my values, and the way I want to fit into the big picture.”

Offer Manager & Customer support
Joy Hulsenberg

Head Machinist
Gilbert Guerra

Content marketing & Social media
Ben Hardy

Customer Support
Terry (TJ) Montfort

Assembly Shipping
Brandon Taniguchi

Flashlight builder & warranty
Ian YU

Creative Consultant