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New Foursevens Interface Walkthru Hero Image

New Foursevens Interface Walkthru

05 July 2018

We'll be rolling this new interface across all Foursevens products with the hope of better-accommodating everyone's preferences.

Foursevens Products: http://bit.ly/PL_47s

Entering Configuration Mode

Just power cycle (on/off) the light 10 times in less than 3 seconds to enter configuration mode. The light will blink a number of times corresponding to the current configuration. One power cycle will change to the next configuration. Leave the light off for 5 seconds to save the current configuration to memory.

When entering configuration mode you should use a "press" and not a "click." A button press will activate the light in momentary mode. A click is audible and latches the light in the "on" state. Basically clicking is too slow and pressing allows faster on/off cycling :)

  • Config. 1: Max
  • Config. 2: Max - Strobe
  • Config. 3: Medium - High + Burst
  • Config. 4: Low - Med - High + Burst
  • Config. 5: High - Med - Low + Burst
  • Config. 6: Low - Med - High - Strobe - SOS - Beacon + Burst


  • Low (Moonlight) = 1 lumen
  • Medium = 15%
  • High = 60%
  • Max = 100%
  • Burst = 100% (enter burst with 2 fast cycles from any mode)
  • Strobe = 100% @ 20Hz Beacon = 100% double blink every 5 seconds
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