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Premium Tailcap Boot

Tailcap Boot Heaven...if there is such a thing
Custom molded logo buttons to personalize your Alpha, Delta, or other compatible light

{"name":"Color","position":1,"values":["Carbon Black","Olive Drab","Flat Dark Earth","Engine Red","GITD Green","Ghost Glow","Frost White","Safety Orange","Canary Yellow","Prometheus Blue"]}


    Premium Tailcap Boot
    Premium Tailcap Boot Premium Tailcap Boot Premium Tailcap Boot
    Product Overview

    This is a standard 14mm switch boot made of injection molded silicone rubber. The inside of the boot contains a "nub" that can be trimmed to length to suit your application. 

    • Button width = 14mm
    • Button height - 8.5mm
    • Flange width = 18mm

    Compatible with McClicky switches and some Foursevens lights! 

    Trimming the nub completely flush will allow this boot to fit like the standard McClicky boot, but this material has a softer feel.

    A trimmed boot will also fit the Foursevens Maelstrom MMR/360 and Quark Click lights (tactical switch only). Be sure to set the "Foursevens Kit" option to yes, and we'll also include a fiber spacing washer that goes between the switch body and the boot, which improves button feel.  

    Product Details

    The switch retaining ring in your Alpha light must be SNUG (not gorilla tight) to ensure reliable contact. If you swap out the boot and the switch behaves erratically, the retaining ring is probably installed too loose. If the button seems "too sensitive" the retaining ring is too tight.


    • The FDE and OD are color matched to MagPul samples. 
    • Frost white was actually an accident by the molding company. I didn't even know they glowed till I shot the photo...the glow is relatively dim. I bought the lot anyway because the white looks pretty cool! A nice option for your "storm trooper" builds ;) 
    • Ghost glow is the brightest and contains phosphor in a "natural" silicone base that is clear/translucent white. 
    • GITD Green is the "traditional" glower of the bunch. The green dye cuts down on the brightness a bit, but it also smooths out the glow from the individual grains of phosphor. 
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